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Challenge will be four weeks - Beginning Sunday, March 1 and ending on Saturday March 28. Last day to register, March 5.

Challenge is geared to restore your body and mind and jumpstart into spring with healthy habits. 

Goals are simple and easy to attain:

  • Decompress your mind by getting outside to 10 minutes, each day
    The possibilities are endless. If weather is inclement, use an app on your smartphone and have 10 minutes of meditation or calm, write in a journal or list the items you are grateful for that day.
  • Feed your body by consuming two handfuls of healthy greens with two meals, each day
    It is up to participant which two meals and what two handful of greens. 
  • Hydrate your body by consuming a minimum of 64 ounces of water, each day.
    With so many benefits of hydration, it’s a great start to a healthy habit. Make it fun by throwing cucumber, lemon, limes or various fruit in your water.
  • Move your body each day. There are several ways to accomplish this goal for our challenge.
    • Walk, hike, run, jog, walk on a treadmill, etc., for a minimum of 26.2 miles for duration of challenge. (Equates to just under 1 mile per day)
    • Cycle your way to fitness by spinning, mountain biking or cycling a minimum of 75 miles for the duration of the challenge. (Equates to just over 2.5 miles per day)
    • Swim your way to health by swimming laps or open water for a minimum of 9,000 yards for the duration of the challenge (Equates to less than 325 yards per day)
    • Stretch or Yoga to help your mind and body by completing a minimum of 450 minutes of yoga or stretching for the duration of the challenge. (Equates to just over 15 minutes per day)

Each day is a new day.  If you are unable to complete any of the above one day, you can strive to complete the next.  Consistency is the key to success.

Prizes and drawings will be offered at the conclusion of the challenge.  For each category listed below we will be awarding one-hour of paid time off.

  1. Most consecutive with decompressing stress, 10 minutes each day.
  2. Most consecutive with consuming two handfuls of greens with two meals each day.
  3. Most consecutive with consuming minimum of 64 oz of water each day.
  4. Most consecutive with attaining minimum of 7500 steps per day.
  5. Most steps completed for duration.
  6. Most steps in one day.
  7. Drawing for each option below of attaining movement objectives:
    • Walk, hike, run, jog, walk on a treadmill, etc., for a minimum of 26.2 miles for duration of challenge. (Equates to just under 1 mile per day)
    • Cycle your way to fitness by spinning, mountain biking or cycling a minimum of 75 miles for the duration of the challenge. (Equates to just over 2.5 miles per day)
    • Swim your way to health by swimming laps or open water for a minimum of 9,000 yards for the duration of the challenge (Equates to less than 360 yards per day)
    • Stretch or Yoga to help your mind and body by completing a minimum of 450 minutes of yoga or stretching for the duration of the challenge. (Equates to just over 15 minutes per day)

If there are ties or multiple candidates in any category, a drawing will be held for one awardee. 

Each participant has a 2-day lookback to input and sync their tracker devices with Challenge Runner during the challenge.  Final week’s data must be input into Challenge Runner by midnight, Saturday, March 28.