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Unified Summer Steps Challenge!

The Walking Challenge with Fitness Trackers will promote wellness by encouraging participants to walk more often during the day. Participants may use supported activity tracking devices to record the number of daily steps taken and transmit this number into the ChallengeRunner.com system. 

This challenge will run all summer, from Tuesday May 28 - Tuesday September 3.

Hot-steppers will be eligible for the following Amazon gift cards:

  • First place (for entire summer challenge) $500.00
  • Second place  $300.00
  • Third place $200.00
  • Monthly top stepper - June $100.00
  • Monthly top stepper - July $100.00
  • Monthly top stepper - August $100.00
  • Anyone who maintains a 5000/day average for the summer (490,000 steps total!) $50.00


Each participant must first join the challenge connect their fitness tracking account.  After logging in, the participant must click the Profile link at the top of the home page and then click the Authorize link. Fitbit and Google Fit sync automatically. Apple Health and Samsung require user to download the challengerunner app to sync.