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May 29th - June 30th

The goal: To remove refined sugar from the diet for 33 days.

The reason: The average American adult, teenager, and child consumes about 17 tsp of added sugar DAILY, contributing to poor mental health, obesity, high blood pressure, dysregulated blood sugar levels, inflammation in the body (the root of many chronic diseases), and heart disease. Many sources of added sugar are hard to spot (salad dressing, yogurt, drinks, chocolate, etc). This challenge is aimed to increase awareness of which foods contain added sugars, and provide some tools on how to make healthy swaps (using unrefined sweeteners like honey or maple syrup, or consuming fruit instead of refined sweeteners like cane sugar or corn syrup).  

Intended outcome: The goal of completing this challenge is to increase awareness of where sugar lurks in our foods, how it feels in the body (and mind) to break free of the addictive quality of sugar, and of course, to experience the health benefits of being free of refined sugars, like more energy, fewer cravings, and noticing just how sweet some foods are when our palates readjusted to consuming fewer sweets.