Want to use this Template?

Each of these challenge templates are available in ChallengeRunner to quick-start your setup process. Simply select the Copy and edit a pre-existing challenge from our database option when creating your new challenge.


Field LabelField TypeData EntryFrequency


1. **Monthly Challenges**: These are periodic events, held every month, where participants can engage in activities and earn points.

2. **Building-Based Challenge**: Participants are associated with a specific building, presumably their home building. They will represent this building throughout the challenge.

3. **Point System**: Participants earn points for their building based on their performance in the challenge activities.

4. **Wellness Traveling Trophy**: The building with the highest average points at the end of the challenge wins the Wellness Traveling Trophy for the month. 

5. **Bragging Rights**: Beyond the physical trophy, participants also earn bragging rights for their building. This adds a competitive and social aspect to the challenge.

6. **Door Prizes**: All participants are eligible for a drawing at the end of the month to win additional wellness prizes. 

7. **Not Cumulative**: It's important to note that the points earned in this challenge do not contribute to cumulative points for tiers or prizes in any other ongoing reward system.