Want to use this Template?

Each of these challenge templates are available in ChallengeRunner to quick-start your setup process. Simply select the Copy and edit a pre-existing challenge from our database option when creating your new challenge.


Field LabelField TypeData EntryFrequency


1/2 point- Completed 1 set of an activity 

  • Just about any type of activity can count (e.g.- jumping jacks/squats/lifting weights/stair climbers/crunches/chair lifts/swimming lap, etc.).
  • Minimum of 4 reps per set for it to count.

2 points- Completed 20 to 40 minutes of activity
4 points- Completed 40+ minutes of activity

  • If you complete 40 + minutes, do NOT also select that you completed 20-40. It is one or the other.

Steps Taken (1/2 point for every 2,500 steps)

  • When submitting your steps, enter the exact # of steps you took- the system will calculate the points.