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Let's kick off the new year with some purpose! I don't know about the rest of y'all but, I operate and feel my best when I have some concrete exercise routines, get fresh air and feel like I'm part of a group of likeminded ladies. The past several years I have participated in the Storm Trouper Challenge and really enjoyed it. But I found that it started getting far too competitive for me and I lost the true meaning of why I had initially signed up for it. It went from "let's get some fresh air and commit to a mile outside each day" to "I need to go out and run 3 more miles in the 10 degree weather at midnight so I can kick some random woman's ass". For those of you who know me well, I need less competition in my life and more community! So, I invite you to join me in this toned down January journey in the hopes that it will help anyone who may be struggling to create routines again (me), is searching for a little group encouragement and motivation (me as well) and who is looking to get a little daily exercise (also me). It's super straightforward....check the "yes" box every day that you are ale to complete one mile on your feet outside. You can split it into more than walk in a day if that works best for you. Everyone gets a freebie on January 1st becasue I was late getting it out! So, check off the box whether you did or didn't get out there. And if the weather really sucks....do it inside! The idea is to JUST DO IT.