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#100 Ab Challenge


You can start today - July 15th 2021


Do 100 reps of the ab exercise listed for the day! Whether it’s all 100 reps in one go, or 10 sets of 10 reps – doesn’t matter. JUST FINISH IT.

Take a before picture and an after picture! As long as you’re eating clean and drinking tons of water, you will see and feel a difference at the end of the challenge! Use  "https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/100abchallenge/" target="_blank" target="_blank" target="_blank" >#100abchallenge  if you post anything along your journey! This will help us all stay motivated and connected!

Track your progress with my Challenge Runner here! 


Anywhere! You can do all these moves with no equipment! Print out this printable above and hang it on your wall and also head over to  "https://www.youtube.com/user/blogilates" target="_blank" target="_blank" target="_blank" >YouTube.com/Blogilate s to watch the daily video showing you EXACTLY how to do each move! I’ll also suffer through the 100 reps with you!

Track your progress  "https://www.blogilates.com/100abchallengetracker/" target="_blank" target="_blank" target="_blank" >HERE .

AHHH!!! Are you ready!!?? This is SO EXCITING! I AM PUMPED! I’ve never done 100 reps of a lot of these moves, so I am curious to see how I will do! Also, if you want me to collab with a particular person, comment below and tell me who!

GOOD LUCK!!! Now, type “I’m in!” and share this post with at least 1 friend!