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Field LabelField TypeData EntryFrequency


The Emtiro Health Wellness Workgroup invites you to participate in a 4-Week sleep challenge. Because sleep is so critical to our physical and mental health, we have decided to make this our first health improvement challenge.  

Click on the provided link to a software program named Challenge Runner and enter your name and email address.  To participate in the challenge, you will need to log in to Challenge Runner starting on June 1st and select the option that corresponds to the number of hours you slept during the previous night.  Zero points are given for sleeping less than 6 hours or more than 9 hours. The latest sleep research suggests that sleeping 7-9 hours is best for improving mental and cardio-metabolic health so two points are awarded for that range. Sleeping between 6 to 7 hours gives you one point.  If you forget to log your sleep for a day or two, no worries. You can change the date(s) and enter your data going back a maximum of 7 days. 

After entering your number of hours slept, you will be able to see your progress on the leaderboard containing scores of your coworkers who are also participating in the challenge. Prizes will be awarded to the top 3 sleepers with the highest score at the end of the month.

If you have questions please email me (Neal) "mailto:nealroberts@emtirohealth.org" target="_blank" target="_blank" >nealroberts@emtirohealth.org  or send me a Slack message @Nealroberts