Want to use this Template?

Each of these challenge templates are available in ChallengeRunner to quick-start your setup process. Simply select the Copy and edit a pre-existing challenge from our database option when creating your new challenge.


Field LabelField TypeData EntryFrequency


*You MUST be a DOD Civilian Employee to enter this challenge*

Over 8 weeks you'll receive all the information you need to help you make lifestyle changes that make reaching your health goals easier. From newsletters full of related information, education classes, health assessments, and activity challenges.

Every week you will be sent an email with a newsletter attached. Open and read the newsletter. Within that attachment you will also find the activities to complete for that week to earn your point. You must track those activities on Challenge Runner in order to recieve credit. There are specific activities that only the Administrators can input (such as classes attended at the Army Wellness Center).

Some activities you will be able to do every day, and others only once. Be midful of the deadlines for entering points as some you will not be able to backdate.