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Field LabelField TypeData EntryFrequency


30-Day Fitness/Activity Challenge

(Edit this general description for your challenge)

The 30-Day fitness/activity challenge will promote wellness by encouraging participants to become more active by encouraging users to participate in 30 minutes a day of activty. To receive credit, participants must log into the ChallengeRunner.com system each day and check that they participated. While it is recommended that participants log these minutes every evening, they have up to three days to log their squats.

This challenge will run for 30-Days. The cost is $10 per participant. At the conclusion of this challenge, participants with the most days recorded will be entered into the grand prize draw to win 50% of the prize money and choose a charity or organization of their choice for the other half of the funds to be donated to.


The 30-Day Challenge has the following characteristics:

  • In the leaderboard, each participant is able to see how many days they have recorded. 
  • Take a rest day when needed but put it towards a mindfulness exercise of some kind. STOP. Recharge but dont clock out i.e. a netflix binge doesnt count. Suggestions include: meditation, a craft, playing in the snow or a board game etc. Rest days (one per week), count towards the total days so record them as well.
  • Recorded and log your exercise every day; however, participants may enter steps taken up to three days past the current date.
  • Have fun :)