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It's Time to Get Back on Track!

To help you get back on track, we are challenging you to complete goals in different areas of your wellbeing over 6 weeks. 

Attend Coaching Sessions: Profile's coaches are your accountability partners and meeting them each week will help you to stay focused on your goals and priorities. (Earn 5 points/appt)

Track (at least) 3 Meals in JourneyApp Each Week: Tracking your food intake will give you insight into many aspects of your eating habits and will assist your coach in providing personalized guidance at your appointments. (Earn 5 points per tracked meal, max 15pts/week)

Get Active (30 mins) 3 Times Each Week: Clear your head and move your body in any way you choose for at least 30 minutes to boost natural endorphins and feel better. (Earn 5pts per 30mins, max 15 pts/week)

Track Progress By Weighing In 1 Time Each Week: It's hard to know if you're winning if you fail to keep score.  Weigh yourself on your smart body scale and track your progress in Journey App. (Earn 5 pts/week) 

Complete a Journey Mapping Module Each Week with Your Coach: Profile's Journey Map will help you to snap out of the COVID brain fog and teach you valuable skills that will stick with you long after this Challenge ends. (Earn 5 pts/week)

Get Social: Post to social media using one of these hashtags (10pts/post, max 1 post/week)

  • #BackonTrackwithProfile
  • #ProfileChallenge2021
  • #ProfileMemberChallenge
  • #ProfileProud2021
  • #MakingHealthyHappenwithProfile

Our coaches will support your efforts by taking measurements at the start and end of the Challenge and coaches will verify completion of point-earning activities at each coaching appointment.

At the conclusion of the challenge, the following prizes will be awarded based on scores:

First Prize: Apple Watch Series 6 OR Fitbit Sense Smartwatch ($399 Value)
Second Prize: 6-month Camp Gladiator Membership ($300 value)
Third Prize: SpaFinder Gift Card ($50 Value)

In the event of a tie, the prize winner will be selected randomly from those with tied scores.