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The 2020 Igonefitness Challenge includes completing 150 miles and 50 Igone workouts within a three month time period. You can do one workout a day, or catch up by completing 3 over the weekend. Igonefitness will be providing 6 to 10 workouts a week. Monday through Saturday you will recieve a workout, demo video and written explanation, so if you don't make the live session, you can do it on your own time! Each workout is modifiable! If you have any pre-exsisting injuries, fear not!! Reach out to the team to see how you can still complete your workout and get the points towards your 50 wods. The running milage will be tracked on Nike Run Club App. However, if you do not have this app, alternative platforms are perfectly acceptble. 

If 50 wods and 150 miles are completed by December 31st 2020, you will recieve an Igonefitness jersey stating, "I completed 150 miles AND 50 Igonefitness workouts within 3 months FREE of charge!" 

We know these times are challenging. The Igonefitness team is here to make it a little more enjoyabe. Make your health a priority! Join us today and good luck on the challenge!