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Distance Challenge with Fitness Trackers

Together we will travel 3300 miles through exercise which is the distance from Seattle, Washington to Miami, Florida.

This can be done by walking, jogging, running, cycling, swimming or any cardio exercise that can be measured by distance. Each time you exercise log your mileage. If you have a fitness tracker you can link it to this app and it will automatically upload your mileage.

We will be keeping track of each person’s progress but this will allow you to see everyone's progress as well. You will receive weekly messages from Pure-trition sharing the total number of miles we have traveled together and the names of the people in the top 5 spots. 

The leaderboard will also show real-time results.

At the end of the challenge we will tally the miles to see how far we have traveled and the winner will receive three free 50-minute one-on-one coaching sessions with Certified Health Coach Aleta Osborn via phone or online video chat.

1st place will also receive (10) 2 weeks of Pure-trition Organic Cold Pressed Juice.

2nd place will receive (5) 1 week of Pure-trition's Organic Cold Pressed Juice.

3rd place will recieve 1/2 off on a week's worth of juice (5)

We started this challenge to inspire people around the world to get up and get moving for your health. 

Chronic diseases are continuously increasing. High blood pressure affects more than 1.1 Billion people worldwide.

Our mission is to educate and inspire everyone to gain self-health skills through healthy lifestyle changes, provide outreach to reduce the number of people with high blood pressure, and improve the quality of life of those living with it.

The challenge will begin on Thursday, August 1st and go through Saturday, August 31st Mileage must be sent in each day that you exercise.

Let’s see if we can not only meet the Pure-trition Challenge but exceed the challenge goal!!!

Help us spread the word so together we can fight for our health.

Are you ready for the Pure-trition #movewithme2019 Challenge?


The Distance Challenge with Fitness Trackers will promote wellness by encouraging participants to move more often during the day. Participants may use a supported activity tracking device to record the daily distance traveled and transmit this number into the ChallengeRunner.com system. The totals of those distances are then compared against one another and a real-time leaderboard is made available.

In order to receive data from tracking devices, each participant must first install the appropriate software and create an account on the activity tracker's website. Every participant must then authorize ChallengeRunner.com to capture individual data as follows:

After logging in, the participant must click the Profile link at the top of the home page and then click the Authorize link. On the tracker website shown the user must enter their ID and Password they created when they first registered the device.

Once the device is authorized, the user must ensure that they connect their device to the activity tracker's website at least once per day to sync data.

This challenge will run for six weeks. At the conclusion of six weeks, the participants with the top three recorded steps will be awarded the following:

  1. First Place Award
  2. Second Place Award
  3. Third Place Award

In addition, every participant who records a minimum of 84 miles (2 daily miles) will receive a participation